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Infection Prevention Training at Creator’s IVF Nepal

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Infection Prevention Training at Creator’s IVF Nepal

Infection Prevention (IP) training is concerned with preventing nosocomial or healthcare associated infection and ensuring the safety of health workers as well as the clients. Infection Prevention training was held on 20th November, 2019 at Creator’s IVF Nepal, Lalitpur. Twenty one staff members of Creator’s IVF Nepal participated in the training. The trainers for the training session were Ms. Rachana Shrestha, Infection Prevention Officer at Patan Hospital and Ms. Rupa Maharjan, Operation Theater In-charge at Patan Hospital.

The main objectives of IP training I enlisted were to gain theoretical knowledge about infection prevention and implement the theory obtained during the training.

The trainers provided consistent and updated messages regarding infection prevention. They also provided a deeper understanding on how infection spreads, chain of infections, sources of infection, modes of transmission, and methods of preventing infection. They trained us on basic infection control precautions such as hand hygiene, environment cleaning, instruments decontamination, and safe injection practices as well as how and when to use standard precautions, transmission based precaution, and Personal Protective Equipments (PPE).

The Ancient Native American says that, “Tell me and I’ll forget, Show me and I may not remember, Involve me and I’ll understand”. In line with this thought, there was a demonstration class after we finished our theoretical session about the methods of infection prevention or control. Re – demonstration was performed by the participants which involved made my understanding crystal clear.

Infection Prevention basics such as hand hygiene requires constant education and reminders. But because of its simple nature, these basics tend to get forgotten and neglected even by health workers themselves, because of which this training was even more crucial.

To sum up, as a clinical nurse at Creator’s IVF Nepal, I received an updated and additional critical information as well as skills including infection prevention precautions to ensure the safety of my colleagues, myself, and mainly our clients.

Sweta Shikhrakar

Clinical Nurse @ Creator’s IVF Nepal Pvt. Ltd.




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 Sun – Fri: 9.00am – 5.00pm
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